Saturday 7 July 2012

Why I started this blog:
First let me start off explaining how I came about the name Endearing Memories.  I love crafting, mainly scrapbooking and altered art.  Long ago, I owned my own business (but we wont go into details) Endearing Memories.  I still have the name and thought it was rather fitting for my new adventure, genealogy.
Now this brings me to why I decided to begin a blog.  Sometimes, when you are learning and growing, you forget how far you have really come.  All the little important things in life (again fitting with my hobby’s) that we often forget.  Years ago, I wondered where my last name came from, it’s a rather unusual name, I don’t hear of many people with this last name.  So off to the computer I went.  For years I searched off and on and very slowly discovered that the “HOLYOME” last name is indeed from England, but it also stems from France.  My ancestors were French Huguenots.  They fled France and moved to the spitalfields in London England.  Now known as the area of Bethnal Green. 
Since then, I have also searched many other parts of my tree and discovered amazing things.  But the search isn’t nearly over.  I had taken a break from searching for awhile.  However, this past winter I had to find inner strength and patience while waiting for gallbladder surgery.  My grandparents had emailed me a few times about the tree and what they were working on.  At first I didn’t respond right away, then it hit me, why not get back into this, it will be a good time killer, and I love searching.  So back at it I went and spent hours and hours a day searching.  Then it hit me once again. Why not work on becoming a certified genealogist.  I love doing this, there is so much more I want to learn, and I can do it all on my time.

So this brings me to my blog again.  I want to look at this as a journal not ony for me, but for others to read and enjoy.  For me to see how much progress I have made, the discoveries and to share my success’s.

Right now I am not sure which direction I will take this blog, or how often I will post in it.  But I do know that I am eager to get started and to get sharing.

Thanks for reading J

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